Friday 13 December 2013

Avoiding Temptation Over the Holidays

The trees are up, the lights are twinkling and Christmas is coming up fast (12 days to go!) so I've put together a few tips for those of you who are watching their weight and don't want to fall off the wagon, but still want to enjoy yourselves this Christmas!

1. Don't Do Your Groceries On an Empty Stomach-
It's a well-known diet tip, but it's especially important when there's lots of chocolate and Christmas treats on the shelves and tons of offers being shoved at you everywhere you look.

2. Avoid Receiving Edible Gifts-
If you know there's a friend or relative who always buys you chocolate at Christmas, just let them know you'd rather have something else this year, or maybe just leave a few hints that you're trying to stay away from the sugary stuff at the moment.

3. Stock Up on a Few of the Healthier Options-
If your boyfriend, mum, dad, roommate or whoever, comes home with a big tin of chocolates and a box of mince pies, you know you'll feel better when you remember that bag of dried fruit and nuts you've got in the back of the cupboard. Or if you're feeling adventurous, some organic, dark chocolate. Okay, it might not seem that tempting, but you know it'll feel good when everyone else is complaining about how sick they feel!

4. Keep Moving
Sticking to your fitness routine during the holidays can be difficult, and you know that once you miss a few days, it's hard to start it up again. But keeping active will mean you won't feel so guilty when you do give in, and will keep you more motivated not to give in in the first place.

5. Buy An Advent Calendar-
Ok, this tip's probably a bit late, seen as, if you have an advent calendar you'll have already eaten half of it, and if you didn't get one.. well it's a bit late to start now! But I think an advent calender is a great tip. That small piece of chocolate every day might be just what you need to diminish any cravings and help you to resist other temptations. Also, if you don't trust yourself with a chocolate advent calendar but feel a bit left out when everyone else in the house opens theirs, then opt for a beauty/makeup related calendar so you can join in the fun.

4. Don't Forget, You are Human and It's Ok to Make a Mistake or Two-
Giving in to a chocolate or two, or accidentally having a few glasses of wine at a Christmas party isn't the end of the world. It won't kill you so just remember it's ok, you're only human. Maybe just do an extra 10 minutes of cardio the next day!

5. And Don't Forget, It Is Christmas!-
If you've managed to control yourself in the days leading up to Christmas, then maybe forget about the diet for a few hours on Christmas day. As long as you don't go overboard, then you'll be fine. Give in to a few roast potatoes and a piece of Christmas pudding, just remember to pile lots of veggies on to your plate too. And finally, just relax; after all it is Christmas!

-Lilly x

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