Sunday 24 November 2013

My Opinions: Miley Cyrus

Straight away I'm going to say, I love Miley Cyrus; so this won't be a post about how much she's screwing up her life and she needs to sort herself out.

I've always been a fan of Miley, ever since her Hannah Montana days. However, that doesn't mean that now she's an adult and she's doing what SHE wants, that I'm going to go out and copy everything she does (especially not the eyebrows which are now thankfully back).

If Miley wasn't Miley, and she wasn't in the spotlight 24/7, she would likely be seen as an average 21 year old, (happy birthday to her for the 23rd) and in my opinion people really need to back off her a bit, seen as that's probably more likely to make her continue the way she is anyway. But just let her have fun and get it out of her system, or if she's 'found herself' and realises that this is who she is, then just let her be!

And as much as I love Miley's short hair, I just saw these pictures -

and they just reminded me how much I loved her long hair :(

Also, if people took the time out to watch an interview or two, and not just read what they read in the papers and on Twitter they might understand what she's all about. I recently watched Miley on Ellen, ( and it's a great example of her explaining what's been going on with her. She also talks about her album (which is amaaaazing), how the 'tongue thing' came about and how the story of her relationship with Liam is displayed throughout it.

People seem to forget too, that Miley is so talented and has an amazing voice. She was in Radio 1's Live Lounge a few weeks back, covering Lana Del Rey's 'Summertime Sadness', ( and she proved that she CAN just sit down, and let people listen to her voice, without all the drama (and wearing slightly more clothes than usual).

-Lilly x

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