Tuesday 19 November 2013

5 Places I Want To Visit (Bucket List Post #1)

I've always been interested in travelling, and something I really hope to do is to visit a few places in my gap year. So I thought I'd make a list of the top 5 places I'd love to visit most in the world.

1. New York- I've always wanted to go to the United States more than anywhere else, and New York is definitely the first place I'd love to visit. Also, what I'd love more than anything is to be there around Christmas time, witness a white Christmas in New York, and stand in Times Square as the ball drops on New Years.

2. Los Angeles- As I said already, I'd love to go on a road trip around the U.S, and L.A is the second place I want to visit. Hollywood is one of the main areas I'm interested in visiting and I think it'd be great to see the Hollywood sign and the Hollywood walk of fame in real life.

3. France- It might not seem like the most adventurous place as I think it's actually one of the UK's closest neighbours, but surprisingly I've never actually been there. I particularly want to go to Paris to see the Eiffel Tower and take a trip to the Louvre, but I'd also love to visit the South of France too.

4. Italy- Again, it's not very far from the UK, but I've never been there. I'd absolutely love to see the Leaning Tower of Pisa, the Colosseum and the Sistine Chapel. Italy just seems like such a beautiful place and is definitely one that needs to be ticked off the bucket list soon.

5. Ireland- This might seem like an odd one to be on the list, and I'm not really sure what it is about Ireland that's always intrigued me, but I've always wanted to go there. Maybe it's the accent, maybe it's my love for the movie P.S I Love You, or maybe it's just the fact that it's so close to where I live and I've never managed to make it there.

So this is probably a list of the most boring/ordinary places you could visit, but I'm not too experienced in travelling and I'd like to visit the 'basics' first I suppose; thanks for reading!

-Lilly x

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